BBAW: Interview with The Storyscape

One of the best parts of Book Blogger Appreciation Week is getting paired up with a fellow blogger for interview day. It’s so much fun to meet a new (to me) blogger, and to read all the interviews shared today.

This year I got to meet Dominique, a fellow Brooklynite and awesome Booktuber and Book Blogger at The Storyscape. Her reviews are awesome, and also a lot of fun to read. One of my favorites is her review of Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki & His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami. I also really loved some of the non-book related videos that Dominique posts, like this wonderful feature of the STooPS festival in Brooklyn.

Without further delay, let’s hear directly from Dominique!

DominiqueCan you start by introducing yourself and telling us a little bit about your blog?
My name is Dominique and my blog is called The Storyscape. It’s had a few names, but this one stuck. The blog is really just about my love for stories and talking about them, I needed an outlet and when I found out about Booktube, I jumped right in. Everything sort of grew from that.

What book blogs / Booktubers do you most enjoy following and why?
I love so many Booktubers: Rincey on Rincey Reads, Didi at BrownGirlReading, Kristi at OneBookMore, and I love Buzzfeed Books!

What is the biggest challenge you face as a book blogger?
Lately it’s been time. I’m a full time editor so I’m reading so many other things that by the time I get a chance to read something for pleasure, I’m a bit drained. Let alone the time to actually do videos and personal blogging, so it’s definitely about time.

What advice would you give book bloggers who are new to BookTube-ing? How do you approach content for a video vs. content for a print review? 

I tend to write out the review first, and this is what typically goes on the blog, and then I do an abbreviated version for Booktube. And most of the time, videos are really about my tbr, or just getting to add some quirky elements that wouldn’t work in a written post.

If you’re thinking about joining Booktube, I would say don’t think just do it. You don’t have to have fancy equipment, all you need is a camera, computer, and some books to share. It’s actually a really great opportunity to connect with other readers and stay up to date with books that wouldn’t otherwise be talked about. A lot of people tend to copy the more popular Booktubers and so it seems inundated with YA literature, but if you explore a little bit more, you’ll find readers that align more with what you like or readers who teach you something new everyday. Just do it! It’s so much fun.

Do you have a favorite book to re-read?
Hm, I don’t think I’ve actually done any re-reads yet. I do enjoy re-reading passages though. Like the beginning of the Divine chapter in Paradise by Toni Morrison where she talks about what love really is; “Love is not a gift. It is a diploma.” And there’s a passage in Light in August by William Faulkner that says, “Memory believes before knowing remembers. Believes longer than recollects, longer than knowing even wonders. Knows remembers believes…” and I just love it so much.

Tell us a bit about your world outside reading: what are your other passions or interests?
I love singing and dancing, which is a great balance to the stationary reading. I also really enjoy watching stand-up comedy, it’s rather therapeutic.

Where is your favorite place to read?
Wherever the books are. :)


Major thanks to Dominique! Go check her out on her blog, her Booktube, and Twitter. Follow more from Book Blogger Appreciation Week on Twitter.

By Emily

Book-hoarding INFJ who likes to leave the Shire and go on adventures.


  1. I like stand-up too — unfortunately we don’t have much opportunity to see it live where we live. I don’t photograph well, so I’ve always been shy of getting involved in doing video reviewing, but I like to see other people’s videos.

  2. Glad to have discovered Dominique and The Storyscape. I love all the tips regarding booktube… I’ve wanted to join the community for a while, but time isn’t on my side at the moment. I think I will definitely join one day.

  3. I have heard of booktubing, but have not really investigated it yet. How very interesting and scary. I’d have to think about it a long time before I did it. But I could watch other people do it. Maybe I’ll start there. Nice interview!!

  4. Great interview, Emily! I have to confess that I rarely venture over to the Booktube side of book blogging, but it seems like Dominque and The Storyscape would be a great place to start!

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