BBAW Day 3: Book Pushers

Today’s Book Blogger Appreciation Week prompt is: What have you read and loved because of a fellow blogger? As a book pusher myself (I have been known to buy my friends books I love that they express interest in, to help increase the likelihood that they will actually read them), I’m all about discovering books through book… Continue reading BBAW Day 3: Book Pushers

Categorized as blogging

Book Blogger Appreciation Week: Kickoff & Intro!

I’m so excited that The Estella Society brought back the lovely Book Blogger Appreciation Week! The event was started by My Friend Amy in 2008, and her intent was this: Acknowledging the hard work of book bloggers and their growing impact on book marketing and their essential contribution to book buzz in general, I am excited… Continue reading Book Blogger Appreciation Week: Kickoff & Intro!