Brief Blogging Hiatus: South American Travel


Galapagos penguin by Zoran Kovacevic // CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Tonight Graham and I are setting out for a month in South America! We’ll be headed to the Galapagos Islands first, and then to Peru for 3 weeks, including Machu Picchu and the Lares Trail, and 3 days in the Amazon Rainforest.

We are both excited, but we display our excitement in different ways.

I’ll leave you to guess whether the Englishman or the American is Andy Dwyer in this example. :)

I’m not bringing my laptop and am not expecting great internet service, so I’m not planning on posting here while I’m away. I’ve written a few blog posts in advance and scheduled them to post, so my blog won’t be totally void of updates while I’m gone. I will moderate and reply to comments when I can, but there will likely be a delay.

When I do have internet access, I’ll mostly be updating Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow me on your preferred platform if you’d like to see photos / updates from my travels. (I’ve also scheduled out a few Tweets with links to travelogue posts from the blog archives – we’re hitting the one year mark of a lot of my Australian and Asian travels, so I’m tweeting some links to oldies but goodies.)

Here’s what I’m bringing with me to read:

On audiobook:

  • The Galapagos by Henry Nicholls – planning on listening to this first while in the Galapagos, as additional background.
  • Animal Wise by Virginia Morell – I listened to just a bit of this before pausing to start trip prep books, and it’s so lovely. It explores what researchers have been able to learn about animal cognition and emotion.
  • So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson – On March 31st I hope to have decent internet access so that I can download my pre-order of Jon Ronson’s new book.

In print:

  • State of Wonder by Ann Patchett – recommend by several readers as a great novel set in the Amazon.
  • Fresh Air Fiend by Paul Theroux – lots of pages, small print, stories of adventure – should be a perfect book to travel with.



So – farewell for a few weeks, dear friends! Enjoy the smell of spring in the air – it’s coming very soon.

(Main blog image is Galapagos tortoise by Valerie // CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

By Emily

Book-hoarding INFJ who likes to leave the Shire and go on adventures.


  1. Oh, my goodness. I’m torn between envy because you’re going, and excitement to see and hear all about it when you get back. I love to travel but I don’t yet have the ways and means to see the world like you’re doing. You’re my new hero!

    Enjoy every bit and I look forward to ALL OF IT once you’re back and posting again. I just popped over to Facebook to follow you there and see your photos as you post them.

    1. There will be lots of Facebook photos updates, so you’ll be able to armchair travel along with me! :)

      I also bought a great new camera lens and am hoping to have a lot of wonderful pictures to share on the blog when I return!

  2. Oh my goodness, I’m so jealous of your trip! Hiking the Inca trail to Machu Picchu is #1 on my bucket list, and Peru and the Galapagos sound amazing. Have a wonderful, safe trip!

  3. I’m with Emily in the envy/excitement camp! I’m the girl who nearly broke down crying while standing in the ball court at Chichen Itza, so I can’t even imagine how incredible Machu Picchu will be. Hope you have a safe, wonderful trip!

  4. Ditto what everyone above is saying: Have a wonderful trip. The Galapagos Islands, Wow. Now that excites me.

  5. Oh that sounds awesome! Have a safe and wonderful travel. I hope you get to see a blue-footed booby. I just love the name of those birds lol.

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