New Anne of Green Gables series editions!

I’ve long lamented the fact that L.M Montgomery’s novels haven’t been treated to the trend of reissuing classic books in gorgeous new covers. The only in-print editions available for most of the books in the series are the mass paperbacks from Bantam, which are small and boring.

Below are two editions of Anne of the Island, the 1976 edition on the left, the second from 1998, both Bantam. The cover design actually got WORSE 22 years later.

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There have been some nice new editions of Anne of Green Gables, the first book in the series, but never a matching set of the entire six books. Until today! Today all six books are available in beautiful new editions from Sourcebooks. They are trade paperback size, so they are easier to hold and read, and the cover illustrations are whimsical and pretty. They are by Canadian artist Jacqui Oakley, and feature flora and fauna that can be found on Prince Edward Island.


I found them yesterday in my local bookstore and promptly bought all six.


“After all,” Anne had said to Marilla once, “I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.”  Anne of Avonlea

By Emily

Book-hoarding INFJ who likes to leave the Shire and go on adventures.


  1. They are very pretty! I love the idea of featuring Prince Edward island flowers on them. So, are you going to commence re-reading them all the way through to celebrate?

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