Hi Hello

Hello there. I blinked my eyes and suddenly it’s July. Suddenly it’s the middle of summer. Suddenly it’s been months since I’ve last posted here. Suddenly!

(The word “suddenly” reminds me of one of my favorite poems “Tension” by Billy Collins. You can read it online here.)

My life has changed quite a bit this year, and with it many of my habits changed too. For example: I now make my bed. Every morning. I never used to be a bed maker, except when I had to put on clean sheets. Now I’m a bed maker, and I can’t really explain why. That’s one example of the hundreds of little things that have changed, and those things accumulated into quite a lot of change in my daily routines.

My goal is to find a way to make this blog fit with my life a bit better – I don’t want to feel stressed because I am behind on reviews or posts. That means I need to change the way I write posts and use this blog. I’m not sure if it will be a good change or not, but I’ll figure that out later.

I’ve still been reading a lot, and buying towers of books. I’ll find a way to continue to post about those activities, but in a new way. Right now, I’m a little more than halfway through Vaclav and Lena by Haley Tanner.

Last thought for this post and the most important, how excited are we all for this?:

It all ends on 7.15

By Emily

Book-hoarding INFJ who likes to leave the Shire and go on adventures.


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