A Saturday Morning in Stars Hallow

My best friend Emma and I have many things in common, including (but not limited to) our love for books, children’s literature, Bruegger’s Bagels, the Anne of Green Gables mini-series, paper, pens, touring the homes of dead authors, bookplates, Crazy Bread, James Taylor, John Mayer, popcorn, road trips, Ireland, hooded sweatshirts, and tacos.

But by far one of the biggest pieces of our friendship is our love (obsession?) of the show Gilmore Girls. Between us we’ve watched the entire series over and over again an alarming number of times. We quote lines from the show at every opportunity. Luke is our dream man, and we are firmly pro-Jess.

So when we were planning a summer road trip from NYC to Boston (we were headed there for the James Taylor & Carol King concert, which was incredible), we knew a visit to the town (Washington Depot, Connecticut) that inspired Amy Sherman-Palladino’s creation of Stars Hallow was an absolute must. For those who do not know: Stars Hallow is the fictional town setting of the show Gilmore Girls. It was like planning a visit to our Motherland.

We started off the weekend by staying Friday night in Litchfield, Connecticut, a town about 20 minutes away from Washington Depot. We stayed at an adorable inn called Tollgate Hill. Our room reminded us of Lorelai and Rory’s room at the Cheshire Cat (see photo below). However the floral motif is where the similarities ended, the Tollgate Hill inn was very lovely.
Our Room

The next morning after breakfast we packed up and drove to Washington Depot, or what we now mainly refer to as “Stars Hallow.” We started our visit at The Hickory Stick Bookshop. It is a completely adorable independent Bookstore, and in our minds it is, of course, Stars Hallow Books, run by Andrew.
Hickory Stick Bookshop

After a decent amount of book shopping, we began to walk through town and were immediately charmed by the group of signs advertising upcoming town festivals and events. At that moment Emma and I looked at each other and we knew: we were in Stars Hallow.
Festival Signs

We then walked toward the center of town and saw the adorable Town Hall.
Town Hall

Here’s Emma by the Washington sign near Town Hall:
Emma in Washington, CT

Next up was the discovery of Washington Food Market, which of course is Doose’s Market. We went inside and bought several necessities including Whoopie Pies and Havarti Cheese.
Washington Food Market

Inside Doose’s Market:
Washington Food Market

Next door to Doose’s Market is the Post Office:
US Post Office

We then noticed Gypsy’s Garage:
"Gypsy's Garage"

A little ways up the road is the Gunn Memorial Library:
Gunn Memorial Library

We explored the library thoroughly, because we’re pretty nerdy and love visiting libraries in other towns, even if we can’t check out any books. The main floor is full of windows that look out into the leaves of the trees in the back, and on that sunny Saturday morning provided the loveliest shady light to browse books in. It has a wonderful children’s section in the basement. But the most spectacular part of the library was the top floor. It was a reading room & events space, and it was one of the most beautiful & peaceful rooms I’ve ever been in. Here are some photos:
3rd Floor Reading Room

3rd Floor Reading Room

3rd Floor Reading Room

3rd Floor Reading Room

We didn’t find an exact match for Luke’s Diner, although there was a cafe with a similar yellow sign. It had a completely different feel inside though. We plan on looking more for Luke’s next time we visit. :)

We reluctantly left town Saturday afternoon, we had a lot more ground to cover that weekend including a reunion with the third member of the Red Shoe Cult and a date with James Taylor & Carole King that evening. It was a fabulous visit though, and we can’t wait to go back someday.

By Emily

Book-hoarding INFJ who likes to leave the Shire and go on adventures.


    1. It was a great trip, I highly recommend it! Driving through Connecticut is so gorgeous too, all the towns in that area are spectacular. :)

  1. The thing to do now that you’ve shared this visit to Stars Hollow is to package up the first three seasons–no, four seasons–of Gilmore Girls on DVD and send them immediately to your mother who only ever got to see the first two EPISODES. I believe this is high on the list of Perfect Daughter requirements.

  2. That trips sounds like fun! While I have seen every episode of Gilmore Girls at least once, many of the earlier ones 2-3 times, I don’t particularly LOVE it as you do :o) But I love all of the things you found and how they fit into GG–it’s easy to see the comparisons. Glad you had fun!!

  3. Best. Post. Ever! It looks like you had so much fun, I would love to do this trip! :)
    That is the most Cheshire Caty room I think I have ever seen!
    Love the interior of that library too.

    1. It was a ton of fun! :) The library was incredible, I wanted to stay in that beautiful room all day and read! :)

  4. This is a wonderful post! It looks like both of you had a wonderful time in ‘Stars Hallow’ :) The inn where you stayed looks quite beautiful. I loved the interior of the library – so many beautiful paintings on the ceiling – like the Sistine Chapel.

    I couldn’t help noticing the similarity in the facades of the post office and the library. Do all government buildings have this Greek-kind of facade with those ionic / doric kind of pillars?

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