New Books 3.28.10

I list all my books purchased each month in my Polysyllabic Spree posts, but I’m so excited about three of my new book purchases that I must post about them now. :)

The first is Round Ireland with a Fridge by Tony Hawks (not to be confused with Tony Hawk). This is next up on my list of travel memoirs about Ireland. In my experience, humorous travel memoirs are always best. On the back of the book, Tony Hawks was likened to Bill Bryson and Dave Barry, two people who take funny very seriously, so that’s promising. It was recommended to me by one of my Mom’s friends, who read it before she went to Ireland.

The second is Auntie Mame by Patrick Dennis. I’m not sure how I was never really aware of Auntie Mame, because it was published in 1955 and has pretty much been extremely well loved by many since then. It was also a play, a Broadway musical, and a movie with Rosalind Russell. Shameful, really, that I was so in the dark about Auntie Mame. But anyway, I could tell by the cover, the title, and the fact that my friend Jon-With-Wonderful-Taste is reading it makes me confident that this will be a book that I adore. It’s also a bit Wodehouse-esque, which can only be a spectacular thing.

The third book is Beatrice and Virgil, Yann Martel’s new book. I was able to score a review copy at Strand yesterday, and I’m so excited to read it. I called my friend Laura yesterday to tell her that I just saw online that Strand has review copies in, and did she want me to pick her up a copy too? Her reply pretty much sums up how I feel too: “I just got goosebumps!

So many great things to read, so little time!

By Emily

Book-hoarding INFJ who likes to leave the Shire and go on adventures.


  1. ‘Beatrice and Virgil’ by Yann Martel looks really exciting! You got it as a review copy?? Amazing! Envy you! Strand must be the most awesome bookshop in the world!

  2. I have the book Round Ireland with a Fridge – I started it on the plane home from Ireland one year. It is very funny but I must have put it down for some reason. Thanks for the reminder to get back to it! Enjoy your books!

  3. When I first saw your blog title, I wondered if you were modifying Adams…. and then I read your About page. Well done – I like it. :) And I love the idea of cooking a new recipe every week! I may have to copy that idea, if you don’t mind.

  4. Love love loved Auntie Mame!

    Round Ireland with a Fridge goes in the pile of “silly men doing silly things.” Bill Bryson fits in that category (see: A Walk in the Woods), as does AJ Jacobs (see: The Know It All) and Stephan Fatsis (see: Wordfreak). I tend to love books like that!

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