Listening to the Classics on audiobook

There’s a great conversation taking place on the Socratic Salon this week about the way audiobooks impact our reading experience. Readers interact with audiobooks in so many different ways, and it’s been interesting to read everyone’s thoughts, the challenges they have, and their favorite audiobooks. I decided to expand on the thoughts I shared there… Continue reading Listening to the Classics on audiobook

Sunday Night Lunch (Weekly Recap 3.1.15)

There is icy sludge surrounding my city, but let’s not let that stop us from getting all cozy and talking about books and other great stuff this week, sound good? Good! First of all – it was a delightful week in blog-land and Twitter-world meeting a lot of new-to-me Book Bloggers thanks to this lovely… Continue reading Sunday Night Lunch (Weekly Recap 3.1.15)