Teaser Tuesdays

My earliest memories of traveling to Ireland are of the Glengarriff, which sailed from Liverpool Pier Head to Cork. There haven’t always been drive-on car ferries with reclining pullman seats and discos and tax-free perfume. This was a cattle boat, with berths for thirty or forty passengers as a sideline. I remember my father taking… Continue reading Teaser Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesdays

After supper, by the fire, we drank hot beer. On a world where a common table implement is a little device with which you crack the ice that has formed on your drink between drafts, hot beer is a thing you come to appreciate. From The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin,… Continue reading Teaser Tuesdays

Currently Reading

February has been surprisingly busy, the past two weeks especially. Getting a nasty cold didn’t help. I don’t have long before I need to get dinner ready and watch the Oscars, but I wanted to do a quick post about what I’m reading, since it’s been a while. During my trip to Michigan I was… Continue reading Currently Reading

Reading Update

Mother Night Kurt Vonnegut I’m only 71 pages into Mother Night so far, but I’m already getting an inkling that it might be my favorite Vonnegut yet, which is no small compliment. I’m also still churning along in Mansfield Park. It’s getting much more interesting, but I still have over 100 pages to go. I… Continue reading Reading Update

Books Update – Purchased, Read, Reading

The Braindead Megaphone George Saunders Recently purchased: The Braindead Megaphone by George Saunders. I’ve heard many great things about this, and after flipping through the book myself in Barnes and Noble, confirmed them to be true. The essays look excellent, and I’m excited to read his tribute to Kurt Vonnegut, which is also included in… Continue reading Books Update – Purchased, Read, Reading