Sydney, day three: Bondi, Bookstores, the Galaxy, and Pie

Today was a beach day. 79 degrees. Sunny. Blue sky. I covered my ghoulish skin with sunscreen and set out for Bondi Beach via the bus. I have mastered the Sydney bus system. And by “mastered” I mean that I am capable of plugging my destination into Google Maps on my phone, following its directions… Continue reading Sydney, day three: Bondi, Bookstores, the Galaxy, and Pie

Packing: Books

M——l asked me a really great question in the comments today: “I know you primarily as a reader (so much so that I have you labeled “Emily Reader” in my feed to avoid confusion with the Emily who likes knitting), and I’d be interested in hearing your book plans for the trip. Are you bringing… Continue reading Packing: Books

San Francisco

If you’re going to leave your friends, family, home, city, possessions, and everything familiar to you for four months to travel solo around the world, I recommend that your very first stop be somewhere where you have a friend already, to ease into the adventure a bit. If possible, to the home of two of… Continue reading San Francisco

Travel Resolutions

This morning I am setting out to travel around the world. These are my resolutions. 1. Take each day one day at a time. This is the most important thing I want to keep at the front of my mind. When I get overwhelmed or scared thinking about being on the road by myself for… Continue reading Travel Resolutions

Packing: Tech

In the past few months, one of the main things on my mind has been: HOW IN THE HECK DO I PACK FOR FOUR MONTHS ABROAD? 16 countries, 3 continents,  all 4 seasons, city explorations, hiking and adventures, arctic boat expedition, 8 day bike tour, 1 backpack. Since I spent so much time researching and… Continue reading Packing: Tech

Around the World Itinerary – Send me your sightseeing recommendations!

After four months of planning, I’ve finally finished the outline / itinerary of my around the world trip!  If you’d like to see it in Google Map form, I created this. I’m joining up with a few adventure travel tours, and doing a bike tour in France and an Arctic expedition cruise in Norway, but… Continue reading Around the World Itinerary – Send me your sightseeing recommendations!

Conceptual Paths

Last week, I gave notice at my work. My last day will be February 7th. On March 3rd I am getting on a plane headed west, and I will return from the other direction four months later. In other words, I quit my job and I am traveling around the world. Here are some of… Continue reading Conceptual Paths