Reader, I Married Him

My mind gets boggled when I think about all the circumstances, choices, and happenstance that led to Graham (9,371 miles from home) and me (10,435 miles away from home) meeting in the middle of the Australian outback during 10 days in the spring of 2014. I feel incredibly grateful.

Friends: yesterday Graham and I tied the knot. We had a wonderful ceremony at City Hall, and then celebrated with some close friends. We’ll be having a small ceremony in June with some close family and friends. We could not be happier.


Photo by John Friese.

By Emily

Book-hoarding INFJ who likes to leave the Shire and go on adventures.


  1. I just checked into your blog to see what was new, and imagine my surprise! Congratulations Emily & Graham. (From this point on you are no longer individuals you are “Emily & Graham”.)

    By the way, what titles does your English husband bestow upon you? Are you the Lady Emily? The Baroness of Brooklyn? Perhaps you the Countess Emily, and we may soon refer to your mother as the Dowager Countess.

    And may I now style myself as “Squire Dennis”?

    Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
    — Emily Bronte

    1. Thank you so much! :D He doesn’t come with an official title, but I am already thinking of myself as Lady Reid. I think it would be fair for you to style yourself Squire Dennis. :)

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