29 Days of Giving


My friend Derek wrote about a fun challenge called 29-Day Giving Challenge.

The basic idea is that for 29 days, you give one thing away to someone each day. It could be as simple or as large as you’d like: a smile, a hug, a card, food, etc.

The project has no set start or end date, so you can join whenever you’d like. However, if you start on Thanksgiving, the last day is Christmas, which is a pretty nice project to have over the holidays.

It has an official website, where you can sign up and get ideas.

I’m going to log my daily progress on Twitter. I’ll probably post occasional updates here too, with a tweet roundup.

Feel free to join the challenge if you’d like!

(This post was brought over from emilyw.vox.com. Click here for the original post and comments.)

By Emily

Book-hoarding INFJ who likes to leave the Shire and go on adventures.

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